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What if we placed the heart at the centre of leadership?

Today, men and women around the world are opening their hearts by celebrating those closest to them with extravagant acts of love...


“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” ― Voltaire Questions are powerful, through this video we share with you why !

How do you cultivate trust ?

Trust is an urgent topic. Trust-building is a vital leadership competency. “Without trust you can’t have engaged relationships, without engaged...


So many things have changed in the last two months.Through this video, I’ll try to give you a few tips to support you on how to keep your ...

How To Run A Remote Team During A Crisis Like The Covid19 Pandemic ?

Through this video, I’ll try to give you a few tips to support you, as for the first time most of us are working remotely from home...

Supporting YOU During #Socialdistancing

Dear Leaders, please lead by example. Demonstrate #resilience We will support our community...

Vulnerability & the power of Authenticity

Vulnerability in Western cultures is often perceived as a weakness, an open door to a potential attack by others who can then easily target us and hurt us...
